Grade 5A – 2nd quarter revision booklet


Resources and the Environment

Natural resources are things found in nature that people can use.

Minerals are substances found on Earth that are neither animal nor vegetable.

Fossil fuels are fuels formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived thousands of years ago.

Renewable resources are resources that can be renewed or replaced.

Nonrenewable resources are resources that cannot be easily replaced.

Preserving and protecting resources is called conservation.

The environment is made up of all the things that surround us.

Pollution is addition of harmful substances to the air, water or soil.

Citizen heroes protecting the land:

What could you do to protect your environment? Write the few words about it, like for a homework we had.

Migration to Americas

Ice age was a long period of extreme cold.

Glaciers are thick sheets of ice.

The Bering Strait is a narrow stretch of water that separates Asia and North America.

Many scholars believe that people first began migrate, to move to the Americas between 40 000 and 10 000 years ago.

40 000 – 10 000 years ago – Durng the Ice Age, hunters may have migrated across a land bridge from Asia to North America.

10 000 years ago – Early People lived by hunting and gathering.

7000 years ago – The early people learned how to grow food and become members of settled communities.

Theory is a possible explanation.

Earliest people left no written record of now they lived. Clues they left behind – called artifacts – tell us. An artifact is an object that someone made in the past.

Early Americans left behind stone tools as an artifact.

Archaeologists study artifacts of people who lived long ago and draw conclusions from them.

Early American cultures

3000 years ago – American Indian groups began building mounds in eastern North America.

2500 years ago – Inuit reached Alaska from Asia.

2000 years ago – The Anasazi culture developed in the South west.

A ceremony is an activity done for a special purpose or event, such as a birth, wedding, or death.

A mesa is a high, flat landform that rises steeply from the land around it. Mesa means table in Spanish.

A drought is a long period without rain.

The Rise of Empires

3000 years ago – Mayan civilization began to develop.

About 900 years ago – Mayan civilization declined and the Maya began leaving their cities.

About 1200 Aztec civilization began in Mexico and the Incan civilization began in South America

A civilization is a culture with organized systems of government, religion, and learning.


The Maya were such successful farmers that they began to grow a surplus, or more food that they needed to feed their own families.

Some Maya began to specialize, or to do only one kind of job.

The Maya developed the method to build tall pyramids.

A pyramid id a building with three or more sides shaped like triangles that slant toward a point at the top.

In the Valley of Mexico, The Aztecs built Tenochtitlan, meaning “near the cactus”.

An empire is a group of lands and peoples ruled by one leader.

Tribute is the payment demanded by rulers from the people they rule.

Slavery is the practice of holding people against their will and taking away their freedom.

The Inca built thousands of miles of roads to link all parts of the empire to their capital at Cusco in present day Peru.

American people, american land

The American people

A culture is the way of life of group of people. Culture can include religion, customs, and language.

Ideals are important beliefs people share. These ideals include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the freedom to live and work where we choose.

The ethnic group is a group of people who share the same customs and language.

Government by the people

In a democracy, people have the power to make decisions about government.

In a republic, the people elect representatives to make laws and run the government.

A constitution is a written plan of Government.

A citizen is a member of a country.

Free enterprise

Private property is something owned by individual people or groups. It could include a piece of land, a house or a car.

An economy is a system for producing and distributing goods and services.

In a economy based on free enterprise, people are free to start their own businesses and own their own property.

Profit is the money a business had left after it has paid all its costs.

Supply is the amount of a product that is available.

Demand is the amount of a product that people are willing to buy.

A consumer is a person who buys or uses goods and services.

An entrepreneur is person who starts a new business hoping to make a profit.

Land and regions

A region is a large area that other has common features that set it apart from other areas.

Geography is the study of Earth and how people use it.

Agriculture is the business of growing crops and raising animals.

Irrigation is a method of bringing water to dry land.

Climate is the weather in an area over a long period of time.

Precipitation is the moisture that falls to Earth in the form of rain, snow or sleet.

An interdependent region means they need each other.

Geography skills

The study of the earth, its physical features, and how human activity affects it

A person who makes and studies maps

A flat representation of a certain area of earth’s surface

A spherical representation of the earth
(extremely accurate)

A half of a sphere–cartographers divide the earth into the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Hemispheres

map scale
A tool that shows the relationship between distances on a map and distances in real life

lines of latitude
Imaginary lines that run horizontally and are used to locate places on earth
(also called parallels)
(measure how far North or South)

lines of longitude
Imaginary lines that run vertically and are used to locate places on earth
(also called meridians)
(measure how far East or West)

The line of latitude at 0 degrees that divides the earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres

prime meridian
The line of longitude at 0 degrees that divides the earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres
(starts at Greenwich, England)

North Pole
The northernmost point on earth, located at 90 degrees North latitude

South Pole
The southernmost point on earth, located at 90 degrees South latitude