Regions – Living in the United States

Regions and Landforms


A region is an area in which places share similar characteristics.

A landform is a natural feature on Earth`s surface, such as a mountain or a river.

A mountain is a very high landform, often with steep sides.

A plain is a large area of mostly flat land that is often covered with grass.

A desert is an area that gets very little rain.

A canyon is a deep valley with steep rocky walls.

A plateau is a large, flat, raised area of land.

A boundary is a line or natural feature that divides one area from another.




Weather is the condition of the air at a certain time and place.

Climate is the weather of a place averaged over long period of time.

Temperature is how warm or cold a place is.

Precipitation is the amount of rain or snow that falls.

Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air.

The equator is an imaginary line that circles Earth half way between the North and South Poles.

Elevation tells how high a place is above sea level.

An area with tropical climate is usually very warm all year.

Areas around the North and South pole have a polar climate.

Temperate climates are between the tropical and subarctic climates.


Regional Resources


A natural resources is something in the environment that people can use.

Raw materials are natural resources that have been changed or processed so that people can use them to make other products.

When the wheat is harvested or cut for use, it is not ready to be eaten or sold to grocery stores.

Ai industry is a form of business.

Manufacturing means making products to sell.

Products are things that people make or grow.

Capital resources are things that people make in order to produce products.

Agriculture is using the soil to raise crops of animals.

Conserve means to use resources carefully.

A renewable resource can be replaced.

Recycle means to use something again.

Nonrenewable resources cannot be replaced.

Human resources are the people who make products or provide services.

Services are jobs that people do for others.


Americans All


Christopher Columbus

An immigrant is a person who comes to live in a new land.

Culture is the way of life followed by group of people.


We the People


The government is made up of the rules, or laws, that we follow and the people who run our country.

In a republic, the leaders are elected.

The leaders represent or make decisions for the people who elected them.

In a democracy, every citizen has a right to take a part in the government.

A citizen is an official member of a country.

The plan is a document called the Constitution of the United States of America.

Three levels of Government are:

  • National
  • State
  • Local

The three  branches of government:

  • legislative branch
  • executive branch
  • judicial branch.


Geography skills

The study of the earth, its physical features, and how human activity affects it

A person who makes and studies maps

A flat representation of a certain area of earth’s surface

A spherical representation of the earth
(extremely accurate)

A half of a sphere–cartographers divide the earth into the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Hemispheres

map scale
A tool that shows the relationship between distances on a map and distances in real life

lines of latitude
Imaginary lines that run horizontally and are used to locate places on earth
(also called parallels)
(measure how far North or South)

lines of longitude
Imaginary lines that run vertically and are used to locate places on earth
(also called meridians)
(measure how far East or West)

The line of latitude at 0 degrees that divides the earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres

prime meridian
The line of longitude at 0 degrees that divides the earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres
(starts at Greenwich, England)

North Pole
The northernmost point on earth, located at 90 degrees North latitude

South Pole
The southernmost point on earth, located at 90 degrees South latitude