Grade 7 – 2nd quarter revision booklet

The Ancient Egypt and Nubia

The Geography of the Nile

Map on the page 67


Here are the places you should be able to locate on a blank map:

Mediterranean Sea
Red Sea
Nile River
Giza (Cairo)
Lower Egypt
Upper Egypt




Herodotus – Egypt is the gift of the Nile (because Nile makes soil fertile)

Course of the Nile River

The Blue and White Nile map, page 67

The Nile through Ancient Nubia

Nubia – ancient region in the southern Nile valley

Cataracts – rock filled rapids of the river Nile

The Nile through Ancient Egypt

Upper Egypt – The Nile Valley

Lower Egypt – Delta

Delta is a plain at the mouth of a river

The gifts of Nile

Fertile soil for agriculture

Silt is fine soil found on the river bottom

Black and red land

Black fertile land (Kemet –in old Egyptian language) – Nile Valley

Red land – desert

Desert protection

Desert protects Egypt from the foreign invaders.









  1. Merging which two rivers makes the Nile?
    1. Mississippi and Missouri
    2. Black and White Nile
    3. Blue and White Nile
    4. What is the gift of the Nile?


  1. What is Delta?


  1. What geographically protects Egypt from foreign invaders?
    1. Army
    2. Nile
    3. Desert



The Rulers of Egypt

Pharaoh is the title used by the kings of Egypt

Hatshepsut, the only woman which become pharaoh

A dynasty is a series of rulers from the same family or ethnic group.

Ancient Egypt had 31 dynasty from 3200 BC to 332 BC

This period from 3200 BC to 332 BC is divided on three kingdoms: The old, Middle and New kingdom (timeline on page 76)

Egypt is unified

Pharaoh Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt.

Narmer Palete – page 75

All powerful pharaohs

Absolute power or complete control over their people was held by pharaohs



  1. Pharaoh is ____________________________________________________________


  1. A dynasty is a series of ______________________ from the  same _____________ or ___________ group


  1. How many dynasties ancient Egypt had, from 3200 BC to 332 BC?
    1. 32
    2. 31
    3. 33


  1. What is the name of the pharaoh that united Upper and Lower Egypt?
    1. Menes
    2. Tutankhamen
    3. Ramses II

The three kingdoms,

The Old Kingdom


Peace & trade with Nubia, timbers & wood from Mediterranean coast.

The Middle Kingdom

Construction of buildings and irrigational projects

The New kingdom

First pharaohs of the New kingdom wanted to build an empire, they had huge armies, and bronze swords were in use.

Tutankhamen become ruler of Egypt while he was still a child

1922. his tomb is discovered in the Valley of the Kings in present day Luxor

Rule during the New kingdom

Tutmose III and Hatshepsut

A regent is someone who rules for a child until the child is old enough to rule.

During the rule of the pharaoh queen Hatshepsut:

Peace and economy

Expedition in the land of Punt

Hatshepsut temple at Deir el Bahari was built

Tuthmose III rules

Greatest pharaoh of the New kingdom

Wars in Syria and Phoenicia

Borders of Egypt in his time: Euphrates on East, Nubia on the south

Ancient Egypt after the New kingdom

Civil war left Egypt weak and poorly defended.

332. Alexander the Great deposed the Persian rule

51 BC Cleopatra VII last Macedonian ruler

31 BC Egypt was conquered by the Romans


  1.  Characteristics of the Old Kingdom period?


  1. What first pharaohs of the New kingdom wanted?
    1. To build and empire
    2. To import a wood from Mediterranean coast
    3. To build a temple
    4.  1922 the tomb of Tutankhamen was discovered
      1. in the Valley of the Kings in present day Luxor
      2. in Giza, present day Cairo
      3. in Dendera, present day Qena
      4. someone who rules for a child until the child is old enough to rule is a
        1.  King
        2. Regent
        3. Ruler
        4. Expedition to the land of punt was organized during the rule of ___________________________
        5. The greatest pharaoh of the New Kingdom was ______________________________________
        6. Alexander the Great deposed the Persian rule in Egypt in _______ BC  and in ______ BC Egypt was part of Roman Empire

Egyptian Religion

The Egyptians believed in an afterlife, a life after death.

Description of the pharaoh journey to the afterlife:

Prayers for pharaoh soul on its way to the afterlife

Body was carried to the royal tomb

Workers closed the tomb

Egyptian gods and goddesses

Religion was an important part of daily life in Ancient Egypt

Gods & goddesses controlled the working of nature

Regional differences

Each town had their own gods and goddesses

Gods were shown as humans with animal head

All Egyptians worshiped certain principal god

Sun god Re or Falcon god Horus

Important gods

The chief god of the ancient Egypt was Amon Re.

Other gods: Osiris, god of the living and the dead

Isis, goddess and wife of Osiris

Horus, god of sky, son of Osiris and Isis

Belief in an afterlife

Mummy is the preserved body of a dead person.




  1. Ancient Egyptians believed in:
    1. Future
    2. Afterlife
    3. Promises
    4. Describe the pharaoh`s journey to the afterlife



  1. How the gods were shown in ancient Egypt?


  1. Who was the chief god of ancient Egypt?


  1.  The preserved body of a dead person is a
    1. Grave
    2. Mummy
    3. Dead




Pharaohs of the 4th dynasty build the largest and the most famous tombs.

Pyramid is huge building with four sloping triangle shaped sides.


The great pyramid was built for the pharaoh Khufu.


The great pyramid was built in the ancient city of Giza


The building process


The great pyramid – 2 million stones, 20 years of building


Building of a pyramid was an act of faith.







  1. The pharaohs of ___________  dynasty build the largest and most famous tombs.
  2. Describe a pyramid?
  3. For who was built the great pyramid?
  4. Building of a pyramid was an act of ______________.


Ancient Egyptian Society

Everything we know about the life of ancient Egyptians is based on paintings from the tombs and temples.

Social Classes

Egyptian society resembled a pyramid (look at copy book for drawing)

At very top stood pharaoh

Beneath was small upper class – priests, members of court, and nobles

Next level was middle class – merchants and skilled workers

At the base of pyramid – lower class


Slaves were prisoners captured in wars, they were separate class.

Writing in ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt ideas were written down in picture like symbols called HIEROGLYPHS.

Hieroglyphs – picture stands for ideas or things and some of them for sounds.

Writing materials

The first writing materials were clay and stone.

Papyrus was an early form of paper made from reed found in the marshy areas of the Nile delta.

From papyrus plant

Unlocking a mystery

After 400 AD meaning of hieroglyphs was lost.

In 1799 soldiers digging a fort on the Nile found huge stone with three different types of writing on it – Rosetta stone

In 1822 Jean Francois Champollion unlocked a mystery. Rosetta stone was written on 3 languages, hieroglyphs, demotic and Greek. Knowing Greek Champollion was able to decipher hieroglyphs.

Ancient Egyptians had advanced knowledge in science and medicine

Astronomers are scientists who study the stars and other objects in the sky.


  1. Everything we know about the life of ancient Egyptians is based on
    1. Stories of the people
    2. Paintings from the tombs and temples.
    3. TV shows
    4. What kind of symbols ancient Egyptians used for writing?
      1. Hieroglyphs
      2. Cuneiform
      3. Alphabet
      4.  Writing material in ancient Egypt was ___________________________________.
      5. Ancient Egyptians had a advanced knowledge in ________________________.
      6. In 1822 ____________________________________________ was able to decipher hieroglyphs.

The Cultures of Nubia

The region of Nubia was located south of ancient Egypt, beyond the first cataract of the Nile river.

Valuable resources

Nubia had rich mineral resources, such as gold, copper, and iron ore

An ore is a mineral or a combination of minerals mined for the production of metals.

Lower Nubia is region between the first and second cataract.

Upper Nubia is the region between the second and sixth Nile cataracts.

The most powerful Nubian kingdoms were in the cities Kerma, Napata and Meroe.

These kingdoms were ruled by Kushites, people who lived in southern Nubia.

Around 1600 BC Kushite kingdom had expanded from city of Kerma into parts of southern Egypt.

Around 1500 BC Pharaoh Thutmose I sent his armies into Nubia, after about 50 years, the Egyptians took control of Nubia.

Nubians adopted many Egyptian ways, two cultures become mixed.

In the late 700 BC Egypt was weak and divided, from their capital in Napata, the Kushites expanded their power into Egypt.

About 660 BC they were forced back into Nubia. They retreated to Napata and then gradually moved their capital south to Meroe.


  1. What mineral resources Nubia had?
  2. What is the ore?
  3. In which cities were the most powerful Nubian kingdoms?




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