Grade 11 and 12 – 2nd quarter revision booklet

The rule of Fatimids

In 969 the Fatimi army invaded Egypt and reached Fustat.

Al Muizz li Din Allah al Fatimi, who claimed descent from the prophet through his daughter Fatima and the prophet`s cousin Ali, was the fourth caliph of North African kingdom (Fatimi kingdom).

The schism that had rent the Muslim empire into Sunni and Shii factions had given birth to an offshoot of Shii Islam known as Ismaili. An Ismaili missionary had made his way from Baghdad to North Africa.

Empire that Fatimi created was from Fes in modern day Morocco to the frontiers of Egypt, and their followers accepted their claims of prophetic descent.

On several prior occasions The Fatimi army had invaded and briefly occupied Egypt, only to be driven out.

The Fatimi armies used the moment of the weakness of the state and the lack of efficient successors and opened the way for what became an easy conquest of Egypt.

            The only one until modern days that came from the west.

Al Muizz was a highly educated man who was also a born statesman and a wise and generous ruler.

            He prepared invasion on Egypt carefully.

Wells were dug along the route to Egypt, treasure collected and payment lavished.

            The invading army was aided by a series of natural catastrophes in Egypt (famine, plague, death of Kafur had left Egypt in chaos).

On 1st July the Fatimi army entered the Egyptian capital.

Building of new capital: The new city was square. Maghrebi astrologers consulted the stars waiting for an omen. They found the planet Mars in the ascendancy at that time, al Qahir in Arabic, so the new city was named al Qahira (Cairo).

Al Muizz sends the grain and food to Egypt to help the people during the famine.

In 970 new mosque was built, known as the Mosque of Al Azhar (named after Fatima al Zahra, the prophet`s daughter).

The population of Egypt accepted without protest the rule of Shii, even though they were Sunni, for his rule brought plenty and security.

                        Fatimids didn`t try to impose their beliefs on the population.

Soon the holy cities Mecca and Medina accepted suzerainty of Muizz, as did northern Syria and after a series of battles the rest of Syria.

The empire was ruled by people espousing a different form of Islam from that of the common people. The differences were highlighted by a Fatimi ruler who imposed extraordinary laws on the population and by the presence of foreign soldiers.

Egyptians felt isolation from the rest of Sunni world. They have to counter a different interpretation of their religious beliefs and a different intellectual tradition.

When Muizz finally arrived to Egypt in 973, the learned men of Egypt gathered to meet him and asked him to present them with his credentials and his genealogy before they could accept him without reservation as a descendant of the Prophet.

Qahira was the residence of the new caliph, his family, servants and retainers, who were said to number eighteen thousand.

Muizz had brought with him a great fleet. Soon Egyptian harbors were expanded.

The centre for Islamic trade and commerce had clearly shifted from Baghdad to Cairo.

The Fatimi army, which on first arriving in Egypt had been a homogeneous grouping of Berber tribesmen soon, lost both its homogeneity and its discipline when Turkish mercenaries and Sudanese troops from south were added.

Muizz`s son, Aziz, succeeded his father to the throne and, while he was a wise ruler who gave his administrators fixed salaries to end any corruption, he was also the one who imported the Turkish troops.

Aziz`s son, Al Hakim, was an enigma, if not an eccentric.

                        Strange laws were passed.

                        Minorities enjoyed privileges.

                        The caliph`s leading advisers were Christians.

1005 Al Hakim found the centre for learning called House of Wisdom.

Enormous library of books and was open for studies of science, law, theology.

            Hakim`s vizier, a man named Darazi, expounded the belief that Hakim was the incarnation of the godhead.

The citizens of capital found such belief intolerable. Turkish troops besieged the palace along with the population asking for Darazi`s head. Hakim helped him to get out from Egypt. Darazi fled to Lebanon where he founded the Druze sect in the mountains.

Hakim ordered prosecution of both Muslims and Christians, Hakim suddenly rescinded all his previous rules for Muslims, claiming that such laws had been of purely allegorical nature.

In 1021, Hakim, who liked to wander alone in the hills around Cairo, disappeared. His body was never found and Druze believes that one day he will reappear to reveal truth and usher in the Day of Judgment.

Hakim`s successors were incompetent and unable to control over all its territories for long.

            Famine and revolt lasted for six years until 1027.

            North African territories returned to local rulers and to the Sunni fold. Syria and Sicily were lost too.

In spite of these losses Egypt continued to prosper for a long time, for trade and commerce flourished.

During the rule of al Mustansir, The black regiments controlled Upper Egypt, while Turkish regiments controlled the capital.

The first Crusade had begun its march into Muslim territory and captured Jerusalem by 1099.

The Crusaders came when there was a power vacuum in the region.

1117. Egypt was invaded by the Crusaders.

In northern Syria, Nur al Din Zanji had established his power and annexed Damascus in 1154.


  1. When Fatimid army invaded Egypt and reached Fustat?
    1. 969
    2. 1054
    3. 848
  2. What moment did The Fatimi armies used to open the way for what became an easy conquest of Egypt?
    1. The moment when Egypt was in full power.
    2. The moment of the weakness of the state and the lack of efficient successors.
    3. The moment of the transition in the state.
  3. The conquest of Fatimi was the only one until modern days that came from?
    1. East
    2. North
    3. West
  4. The new city Al Qahira founded by Muizz was called after the planet?
    1. Mars
    2. Venus
    3. Pluto
  5. The population of Egypt accepted the rule of Shii?
    1. After huge protest
    2. Without protest
    3. c.     With small complains
  6. 6.       What did the learned men of Egypt asked Muizz before they could accept him without reservation as a descendant of the Prophet?
    1. To be a good ruler
    2. to present them with his credentials and his genealogy
    3. to be merciful
  7. The first Crusade had begun its march into Muslim territory and captured Jerusalem by
    1. 784
    2. 1590
    3. 1099
  8. Put (T) for true or (X) for false for each sentence
    1. Fatimids didn`t try to impose their beliefs on the population.
    2. During the Fatimi rule Egyptians didn`t felt isolation from the rest of Sunni world.
    3. Muizz had brought with him a great fleet. Soon Egyptian harbors were expanded.
    4. In 1021, Hakim, who liked to wander alone in the hills around Cairo, disappeared.
    5. Hakim`s successors were competent and able to control over all its territories for long.

The Rule of Ayyubi dynasty

1099. Crusade captured Jerusalim in moment of power vacuum in the region.

1117. Egypt was invaded and unstable.

1154 Nur al Din Zanji had established power and annexed Damascus.

                        Crusader kingdom of Jerusalem was vulnerable and insecure.

Nur al Din Zanji didn`t wanted to allow Egypt, a Muslim country, to fall under the rule of Crusaders.

                                    Vizirs of Egypt were divided, one took side of Nur al Din another of Crusaders.

                                    On three occasions the armies of these two states invaded Egypt.

                        In 1169 the Syrian troops of Zanji came to Egypt for defense against Crusaders.

                                    Fustat was set on fire to make it of little use to the Crusaders.

The leader of these troops was appointed vizier by Fatimi caliph. He was successes by his nephew SALAH AL DIN AYYUB – SALADIN.

Saladin determined to bring the Fatimi dynasty to an end.

Saladin`s reputation in Egypt rose after series of fights with Crusaders which ended in victory.

Egyptians who remained Sunni probably welcomed a Sunni vizier instead of Shiia Fatimid rulers.

1170 Saladin founded three schools to re educate the Egyptians in the path of orthodoxy – centers of intellectual life.

During the Ayyuby rule Egypt once more became the centre of a Sunni Muslim empire. The rulers were identified as heroes of Islam, even though ethnically they were Kurdish and Turkish.

After the death of Zandji, Saladin began a phase of expansion into Syria and wars against the Crusaders aimed at liberating the Holy land.

In Cairo Saladin built himself a citadel on a hill overlooking the city.

Because of war campaigns, Saladin spends a little time in Egypt. Instead of him Egypt was ruled by his brother Safadin and his vizier, al Fadil, as well as eunuch, Qaraqush.

 1171 Fatimi dynasty ended after 2 centuries of rule.

  • Egypt become center of Ayyubid empire
  • Saladin began a phase of expansion into Syria and wars against Crusaders aiming liberation of the Holy Land
  • He conquered Syria, Iraq
  • He made a treaty between Muslim lands to keep the peace among themselves

1179 Saladin won victory over Crusaders at Marji Uyun

            He tried to make blockade of the sea as Crusaders were economic danger as well as religious one.

1187 Battle of Hittin – victory over Crusaders and finishing conquest of Palestine

  • Liberation of Holy land and Jerusalem

1193. Saladin died

  • Saladin`s sons started fighting for kingdom
  • Saladin`s brother seized power from his incompetent nephews
  • 1201 – 2 Low Nile caused famine and distress in the land.

The Ayyubis were good rulers:

                        They improved the irrigation system,

                        Extended canals, dykes and dams,

                        Ensured public security,

                        Founded a number of scholarly institutions

The Ayyub ruler Al Salih Ayyub, added a new regiment to his army, a regiment of slaves of Turkic origins. These slaves, nown as mamluks, an Arabic word meaning ‘owned’, were both to save his kingdom and destroy his dynasty at one and the same time.

            The Crusaders landed in Damietta and made the mistake of waiting there until the Nile waters flooded the land and the delta turned into a swamp. A giant of a man named al Zahir Baibars al Bunduqdari with the Mamluk forces stopped Crusaders.

            The Mamluks saved Egypt for the last Ayyubi ruler who was assassinated by mamluks a little bit after.

Shajar al Durr was choosen by the army to rule over Egypt until her infant son was old enough to rule. Her brief reign is unique in the annals of Muslim history, for a woman ruled in her own right and her name was struck on coins.

            From the age of the mamluks onwards Egypt is again dominated by rulers who are alien in ethnicity and in language, for they were Turkish speaking.

            The population nevertheless accepted the rule of the mamluks, but did not indentify with it, and in most cases they suffered it and survived until better days came round.


  1. When Egypt was invaded by the Crusaders.
    1. 1117
    2. 1480
    3. 845
    4. What rose Saladin`s reputation in Egypt?
      1. Economical reforms
      2. Lowering prices of food
      3. Series of fights with Crusaders which ended in victory
    5. What was the main aim of Saladin?
      1. Liberation of Holy land and Jerusalem
      2. Building Egypt as economical power
      3. Education of people
    6. Ayyubid rulers were ethnically?
      1. Kurdish and Turkish
      2. Egyptians
      3. Berber
    7. Put (T) for true or (X) for false for each sentence
      1. Saladin determined to bring the Fatimi dynasty to an end.
      2. In Cairo Saladin built himself a citadel on a hill overlooking the city.
      3. Because of peace time, Saladin spends a lot of time in Egypt.
      4. Saladin made a treaty between Muslim lands to keep the peace among themselves

The age of Mamluks 1250-1516

1258. Hulagu, grandson of Genghis Khan had razed the fabled city of Baghdad

            The end of Abbasy rule in eastern Muslim world

            Hulagu`s army moved westward to occupy Syria

Mamluks of Egypt were only army capable of standing up to the Mongols.

            Under leadership of Baibars they defeated the Mongols in the battle of Ain Jalut

1260 Baibars took title SULTAN (means power) caliph was not in use because it reminded on losing dynasty of Abbassides.

The Mamluk period is divided in two parts

            1250 – 1382- Bahari (river) Mamluks

                                    -lived in the barracks on the island Roda

                                    -Turkic origins – mercenaries

            1382- 1516 – Burgi (citadel) Mamluk

                                    -they were quartered in the citadel

                                    – Turco- Circassian, Greek origins

Young Mamluks were brought as young slaves from the Russian Urals, central Asia steppes of the Caucasus Mountain. They were trained by other Mamluks, converted to Islam, they were taught Arabic, martial arts and horsemanship.

The young Mamluks were cut off at an early age, from their families and people, the focus of their loyalty and affection became the mamluk household and its members.

The early age was characterized by a centralized form of government with one mamluk sultan reigning over the country and imposing his authority over the rest of the mamluks, who were his retainers in the board sense.

The second period of Mamluks involved decentralizes system where the sultan was “the first among equals”

Al Zahir Baibars was the real founder of the Bahri dynasty and the Mamluk empire.

            Organized the army and the navy

            Empire from the Taurus mountains to Egypt

            Died from poison

His general Qalawun succeeded him and founded a ruling house that lasted for a century.

            Battle in Syria with Mongols

            He built a first hospital in Egypt in a complex that included his tomb mosque – beautiful example of mamluk architecture.

After the weak rule of Qalawun older son, younger, al Nasir came to power on three separate occasions.

Nasir third and the last reign, from 1310 – 1341, was one of the most brilliant periods of mamluk government. The age was one of plenty and well being, rich in men of learning and of knowledge. His age was apex of culture and civilization.

14th century brought the Black Death which destroyed the old trading system; it carried off one third of Egyptian population. Industry and commerce also lacked manpower.

41 years after Nasir`s death twelve of his descendants were placed on the throne as puppet rulers to be manipulated by mamluk amirs who fought for supremacy.

The Burgi mamluks ruled from 1382 to 1517.

            Circassian and Greek descent

            No hereditary principle in succession.

            23 sultans came to power, of whom six ruled for a total of 103 years. Only 9 sultans are worth remembering, the rest rose and fell very rapidly.

The mamluk sultan Barsbay, who ruled from 1422-1438 devoted his attention to the Indian trade and managed to squeeze more profits from it.

Sultan Qaitbay enjoyed the longest reign of any mamluk sultan since al Nasir, ruling for 29 years from 1468 to 1496.

He was a great builder of roads, bridges, mosques, schools and forts, not only in Egypt, but in Syria, Mecca and Jerusalem.

Sufi monasteries were built.

Restoration of economic prosperity

By the end of 15th century the Ottomans had once again become a mighty force, expanding in Europe, Asia bordering with mamluk`s territories on the North and capturing northern parts f Syria and the Euphrates.

In august 1516 forces of Ottoman and Mamluk armies met in the plain of Marj Dabiq north of Aleppo and the mamluk forces suffered a resounding defeat.

            The mamluks entered the battle with the Ottomans expecting to face the enemy in a normal hand to hand battle. Instead they were met by deadly hail of gunpowder.

            The ottomans won the battle through superior technology, but also through a rumor that al Ghuri had been killed.

1517 Ottomans entered the Cairo, Bab Zuwaila.


  1. What was the only army capable of standing up the Mongols?
    1. Abbassi
    2. Mamluks of Egypt
    3. Ayyubi army
    4. What title did Mamluk ruler took?
      1. King
      2. Sultan
      3. Caliph
      4. Bahari Mamluks lived on the island
        1. Roda
        2. Nelson
        3. Zamalek
        4. Explain origins and describe the life of young Mamluks?

Young Mamluks were brought as young slaves from the Russian Urals, central Asia steppes of the Caucasus Mountain. They were trained by other Mamluks, converted to Islam, they were taught Arabic, martial arts and horsemanship.

The young Mamluks were cut off at an early age, from their families and people, the focus of their loyalty and affection became the mamluk household and its members.

  1. Who was the real founder of the Bahri dynasty and the Mamluk Empire?
    1. Saladin
    2. Al Zahir Baibars
    3. Qaitbay
    4. The early age was characterized by
      1. a decentralizes system where the sultan was “the first among equals”
      2. a centralized form of government with one Mamluk sultan reigning over the country
      3. a chaotic state system
      4. Why Ottomans did won the battle against Mamluks?
        1. The Ottomans won the battle by spying Mamluks
        2. The Ottomans won the battle through superior technology
        3. The Ottomans won the battle cause they had huge army
        4. Put (T) for true or (X) for false for each sentence
          1. Sultan Qaitbay was a great builder of roads, bridges, mosques, schools and forts, not only in Egypt, but in Syria, Mecca and Jerusalem.
          2. The Mamluks entered the battle with the Ottomans expecting to face the enemy in a battle using gunpowder.

Grade 8 – 2nd quarter revision booklet


Exploration: Europe and Asia – map on the page 453

European Exploration begins

Merchants of Italian city- states made fortunes bringing spices and other goods from Asia and northern Africa. In fact Italians controlled this trade when the Renaissance began. But other Europeans were interested in expanded trade.

The Crusades also drove Europe`s explorations. The desire to defeat the Muslims and spread Christianity remained strong, especially on the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain). Here Christians were fighting to remove Muslims who had arrived on the Iberian Peninsula in the 700s.

Portuguese Exploration

1394. Prince Henry the Navigator was born.

He becomes a driving force behind Portuguese exploration. Under his guidance Portuguise navigation and trade advanced significantly.

He took part in conquest of Ceuta in the North Africa and become its governor.

Ceuta was a rich Muslim trading city.

The capture of Ceuta gave the prince and his country a taste for the wealth that was available in trade.

First Portugal would have to break through or sail around Muslim domination in the region.

Exploring the African cost

Conquest of Ceuta also helped the Portuguese to learn more about the continent of Africa.

The conquest of Ceuta allowed Portuguese to have access to excellent maps of North Africa.

In 1419, Prince Henry decided to press Portugal`s exploration of the African coast.

He hired many of Europe`s best navigators, scientists, mapmakers, and shipbuilders and provided money for these journeys of discovery.

Over several decades these voyages pushed farther and farther down Africa`s western coast, establishing trade with the newly discovered areas.

Slave trading – In the mid 1400s Portuguese ships were returning to ports with African captives.

1460. Prince Henry died. He left behind a strong tradition of Portuguese exploration.

Bartolomeu Dias had taken part in explorations of Africa`s western coast.

In 1487, he left Portugal to find the southern tip of Africa.

In 1488 he succeeded in traveling around Africa’s southern tip, he named the tip the Cape of Storms. The name was later changed to the Cape of Good Hope.

Vasco De Gama

In November 1497, Vasco De Gama sailed around Cape of Good Hope and into the Indian Ocean.

In 1498 De Gama sailed into the port of Calicut in India. He was celebrated as a hero as home.

Navigation: The astrolabe was one of the devices that helped make possible the exploits of European ocean explorers. The mariner`s astrolabe made it possible for sailors to figure out their latitude.

Astrolabe was developed by the ancient Greeks. Muslim scholars helped perfect astrolabe technology. They also introduced astrolabe to Europe.

Columbus Sails under Spanish Flag

Christopher Columbus was born in or around Genoa, Italy in 1451. He become skilled sailor, he traveled to Portugal and later Spain.

He developed a plan to reach the lands of India and the East by sailing to the West.

Columbus believed that by sailing far enough to the west, a sailor would eventually arrive at the lands of the East.

Columbus tried to win support for his plan.

In 1492, Queen Isabella of Spain finally agreed to pay for the voyage.

1492, Columbus led three ships, the Nina, The Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

On October 1492, after ten weeks Columbus and his weary crew reached an island in the area now known as the Caribbean.

Columbus journey changed history. Instead of reaching Asia he reached the Americas.

The Santa Maria was the biggest and the flagship, or lead ship of Columbus`s fleet of three ships.

Other explorers look west

Europeans came to know the western lands Columbus had reached as Americas. The name can be traced to an Italian trader known as Amerigo Vespucci .

In the letter to the government official in Florence, Italy, Vespucci claimed to have taken part in four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean. He wrote that in 1497 he explored the coast of what is now South America. The name America soon appeared on a map and came into common use.

Columbus never gave up the idea that the lands he had reached were part of Asia.

By the early 1500s, however, Europeans knew that the Americas were not lands of the East.

Balboa Sees the Pacific.

In 1511, a Spanish explorer named Vasco Nunez de Balboa arrived on the Isthmus of Panama, what connects the continents of North and South America.

An isthmus is a narrow strip of land connecting two larger areas of land.

Balboa organized expedition to find a huge ocean and gold treasure on the south.

After nearly a month, his expedition reached the shores of a sea that stretched far into the distance. This great body of water was the Pacific Ocean.

Magellan`s voyage

In 1519, the Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan set out to achieve Columbus`s unfulfilled goal of reaching Asia by sailing to the west.

In 1520, Magellan and three of his ships managed to reach Pacific.

In 1521, Magellan landed in the Philippines, where he was killed by native people.

In 1522, the crew pressed on and on the one remaining ship reached Spain.

The voyage of nearly three years was the first circumnavigation of the globe.

Circumnavigation means going completely around the earth especially by water.

Quest for the Northwest Passage

Many Europeans sought a shortcut through North America, as Magellan`s voyage showed just how hard it was to circle the globe.

European explorers, including England’s Henry Hudson, looked for such a shortcut for hundreds of years.

In 1900s ship successfully traveled from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean by sailing north of Canada.

A Sailors life at the sea

During lengthy voyages of exploration, sailors performed tiring physical labor, suffered from poor nutrition, and endured long stretches of boredom.

They were often lonely, surrounded by vast and sometimes violent seas, far from home and family, they suffered injuries from their work or from fights with other sailors.

Europeans in India and Southeast Asia

Portugal Gains a Foothold in India

In 1498 Vasco De Gamma`s voyage had reached the trading center of Calicut, India, but De Gamma left India empty handed.

Calicut traders had rejected the humble cloth, honey, and other trade goods he brought from Europe

The Portuguese soon returned, however.

In 1500, Pedro Alvarez Cabral set out for India.

It was a first Portuguese landing in an area that is now southeastern Brazil. Cabral claimed this land for Portugal.

Cabral eventually did reached Calicut, his effort to trade for spices went slowly. He had armed conflict with Arab traders that left many people dead.

In spite of the bloodshed, Cabral was able to establish a trading post in India.

In 1501, he returned to Portugal with a load of spices.

The Portuguese Empire Expands

Cabral` voyage was considered a great success. Soon Portugal was sending more ships to trade in Asia.

They were also sending armed forces; with these forces Portugal was able to gain control of many trading centers between the east coast of Africa and the west coast of India. Portugal succeeded in controlling the trade in the region.

In 1511 Alfonzo de Albuquerque led a mission to Malacca, located near the Spice Islands, which helped establish the Portuguese spice trade.

Portugal`s control was limited mainly to trade, he held very little territory.

Challengers to Portugal

Soon other European nations become interested in the region

The Dutch, people from Holland, soon challenged Portugal`s leading role in the East.

During 1500s, the Dutch were growing into an economic and military power in Europe.

They sought to control Portugal`s empire of Asian trading posts. Portugal was unable to defent those posts against more powerful Dutch.

In 1602, the Dutch East India Company was founded in Holland. The Dutch government gave this company a trade monopoly in Asia.

A monopoly is complete control of the trade in a market or product.

The Dutch East India Company became a powerful force in Southeast Asia. It had a base in modern day Indonesia; it established many new trading posts and relationships. The company developed close ties with Asian nations

English in Asia

England was also interested in Asian trade

In 1600, The East India Company was established in England.

He British East India Company competed with Dutch East India Company for a time.

First English drove out Portuguese. Throughout the 1600s, they enjoyed great success, replacing the Portuguese as the area`s leading trading power.

In the mid 1700s, the British were leading power in India.

Eventually, in the mid 1800s, India became a colony of Great Britain.

A colony is a territory ruled over by a faraway country.


Grade 7 – 2nd quarter revision booklet

The Ancient Egypt and Nubia

The Geography of the Nile

Map on the page 67


Here are the places you should be able to locate on a blank map:

Mediterranean Sea
Red Sea
Nile River
Giza (Cairo)
Lower Egypt
Upper Egypt




Herodotus – Egypt is the gift of the Nile (because Nile makes soil fertile)

Course of the Nile River

The Blue and White Nile map, page 67

The Nile through Ancient Nubia

Nubia – ancient region in the southern Nile valley

Cataracts – rock filled rapids of the river Nile

The Nile through Ancient Egypt

Upper Egypt – The Nile Valley

Lower Egypt – Delta

Delta is a plain at the mouth of a river

The gifts of Nile

Fertile soil for agriculture

Silt is fine soil found on the river bottom

Black and red land

Black fertile land (Kemet –in old Egyptian language) – Nile Valley

Red land – desert

Desert protection

Desert protects Egypt from the foreign invaders.









  1. Merging which two rivers makes the Nile?
    1. Mississippi and Missouri
    2. Black and White Nile
    3. Blue and White Nile
    4. What is the gift of the Nile?


  1. What is Delta?


  1. What geographically protects Egypt from foreign invaders?
    1. Army
    2. Nile
    3. Desert



The Rulers of Egypt

Pharaoh is the title used by the kings of Egypt

Hatshepsut, the only woman which become pharaoh

A dynasty is a series of rulers from the same family or ethnic group.

Ancient Egypt had 31 dynasty from 3200 BC to 332 BC

This period from 3200 BC to 332 BC is divided on three kingdoms: The old, Middle and New kingdom (timeline on page 76)

Egypt is unified

Pharaoh Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt.

Narmer Palete – page 75

All powerful pharaohs

Absolute power or complete control over their people was held by pharaohs



  1. Pharaoh is ____________________________________________________________


  1. A dynasty is a series of ______________________ from the  same _____________ or ___________ group


  1. How many dynasties ancient Egypt had, from 3200 BC to 332 BC?
    1. 32
    2. 31
    3. 33


  1. What is the name of the pharaoh that united Upper and Lower Egypt?
    1. Menes
    2. Tutankhamen
    3. Ramses II

The three kingdoms,

The Old Kingdom


Peace & trade with Nubia, timbers & wood from Mediterranean coast.

The Middle Kingdom

Construction of buildings and irrigational projects

The New kingdom

First pharaohs of the New kingdom wanted to build an empire, they had huge armies, and bronze swords were in use.

Tutankhamen become ruler of Egypt while he was still a child

1922. his tomb is discovered in the Valley of the Kings in present day Luxor

Rule during the New kingdom

Tutmose III and Hatshepsut

A regent is someone who rules for a child until the child is old enough to rule.

During the rule of the pharaoh queen Hatshepsut:

Peace and economy

Expedition in the land of Punt

Hatshepsut temple at Deir el Bahari was built

Tuthmose III rules

Greatest pharaoh of the New kingdom

Wars in Syria and Phoenicia

Borders of Egypt in his time: Euphrates on East, Nubia on the south

Ancient Egypt after the New kingdom

Civil war left Egypt weak and poorly defended.

332. Alexander the Great deposed the Persian rule

51 BC Cleopatra VII last Macedonian ruler

31 BC Egypt was conquered by the Romans


  1.  Characteristics of the Old Kingdom period?


  1. What first pharaohs of the New kingdom wanted?
    1. To build and empire
    2. To import a wood from Mediterranean coast
    3. To build a temple
    4.  1922 the tomb of Tutankhamen was discovered
      1. in the Valley of the Kings in present day Luxor
      2. in Giza, present day Cairo
      3. in Dendera, present day Qena
      4. someone who rules for a child until the child is old enough to rule is a
        1.  King
        2. Regent
        3. Ruler
        4. Expedition to the land of punt was organized during the rule of ___________________________
        5. The greatest pharaoh of the New Kingdom was ______________________________________
        6. Alexander the Great deposed the Persian rule in Egypt in _______ BC  and in ______ BC Egypt was part of Roman Empire

Egyptian Religion

The Egyptians believed in an afterlife, a life after death.

Description of the pharaoh journey to the afterlife:

Prayers for pharaoh soul on its way to the afterlife

Body was carried to the royal tomb

Workers closed the tomb

Egyptian gods and goddesses

Religion was an important part of daily life in Ancient Egypt

Gods & goddesses controlled the working of nature

Regional differences

Each town had their own gods and goddesses

Gods were shown as humans with animal head

All Egyptians worshiped certain principal god

Sun god Re or Falcon god Horus

Important gods

The chief god of the ancient Egypt was Amon Re.

Other gods: Osiris, god of the living and the dead

Isis, goddess and wife of Osiris

Horus, god of sky, son of Osiris and Isis

Belief in an afterlife

Mummy is the preserved body of a dead person.




  1. Ancient Egyptians believed in:
    1. Future
    2. Afterlife
    3. Promises
    4. Describe the pharaoh`s journey to the afterlife



  1. How the gods were shown in ancient Egypt?


  1. Who was the chief god of ancient Egypt?


  1.  The preserved body of a dead person is a
    1. Grave
    2. Mummy
    3. Dead




Pharaohs of the 4th dynasty build the largest and the most famous tombs.

Pyramid is huge building with four sloping triangle shaped sides.


The great pyramid was built for the pharaoh Khufu.


The great pyramid was built in the ancient city of Giza


The building process


The great pyramid – 2 million stones, 20 years of building


Building of a pyramid was an act of faith.







  1. The pharaohs of ___________  dynasty build the largest and most famous tombs.
  2. Describe a pyramid?
  3. For who was built the great pyramid?
  4. Building of a pyramid was an act of ______________.


Ancient Egyptian Society

Everything we know about the life of ancient Egyptians is based on paintings from the tombs and temples.

Social Classes

Egyptian society resembled a pyramid (look at copy book for drawing)

At very top stood pharaoh

Beneath was small upper class – priests, members of court, and nobles

Next level was middle class – merchants and skilled workers

At the base of pyramid – lower class


Slaves were prisoners captured in wars, they were separate class.

Writing in ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt ideas were written down in picture like symbols called HIEROGLYPHS.

Hieroglyphs – picture stands for ideas or things and some of them for sounds.

Writing materials

The first writing materials were clay and stone.

Papyrus was an early form of paper made from reed found in the marshy areas of the Nile delta.

From papyrus plant

Unlocking a mystery

After 400 AD meaning of hieroglyphs was lost.

In 1799 soldiers digging a fort on the Nile found huge stone with three different types of writing on it – Rosetta stone

In 1822 Jean Francois Champollion unlocked a mystery. Rosetta stone was written on 3 languages, hieroglyphs, demotic and Greek. Knowing Greek Champollion was able to decipher hieroglyphs.

Ancient Egyptians had advanced knowledge in science and medicine

Astronomers are scientists who study the stars and other objects in the sky.


  1. Everything we know about the life of ancient Egyptians is based on
    1. Stories of the people
    2. Paintings from the tombs and temples.
    3. TV shows
    4. What kind of symbols ancient Egyptians used for writing?
      1. Hieroglyphs
      2. Cuneiform
      3. Alphabet
      4.  Writing material in ancient Egypt was ___________________________________.
      5. Ancient Egyptians had a advanced knowledge in ________________________.
      6. In 1822 ____________________________________________ was able to decipher hieroglyphs.

The Cultures of Nubia

The region of Nubia was located south of ancient Egypt, beyond the first cataract of the Nile river.

Valuable resources

Nubia had rich mineral resources, such as gold, copper, and iron ore

An ore is a mineral or a combination of minerals mined for the production of metals.

Lower Nubia is region between the first and second cataract.

Upper Nubia is the region between the second and sixth Nile cataracts.

The most powerful Nubian kingdoms were in the cities Kerma, Napata and Meroe.

These kingdoms were ruled by Kushites, people who lived in southern Nubia.

Around 1600 BC Kushite kingdom had expanded from city of Kerma into parts of southern Egypt.

Around 1500 BC Pharaoh Thutmose I sent his armies into Nubia, after about 50 years, the Egyptians took control of Nubia.

Nubians adopted many Egyptian ways, two cultures become mixed.

In the late 700 BC Egypt was weak and divided, from their capital in Napata, the Kushites expanded their power into Egypt.

About 660 BC they were forced back into Nubia. They retreated to Napata and then gradually moved their capital south to Meroe.


  1. What mineral resources Nubia had?
  2. What is the ore?
  3. In which cities were the most powerful Nubian kingdoms?




Grade 5A – 2nd quarter revision booklet


Resources and the Environment

Natural resources are things found in nature that people can use.

Minerals are substances found on Earth that are neither animal nor vegetable.

Fossil fuels are fuels formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived thousands of years ago.

Renewable resources are resources that can be renewed or replaced.

Nonrenewable resources are resources that cannot be easily replaced.

Preserving and protecting resources is called conservation.

The environment is made up of all the things that surround us.

Pollution is addition of harmful substances to the air, water or soil.

Citizen heroes protecting the land:

What could you do to protect your environment? Write the few words about it, like for a homework we had.

Migration to Americas

Ice age was a long period of extreme cold.

Glaciers are thick sheets of ice.

The Bering Strait is a narrow stretch of water that separates Asia and North America.

Many scholars believe that people first began migrate, to move to the Americas between 40 000 and 10 000 years ago.

40 000 – 10 000 years ago – Durng the Ice Age, hunters may have migrated across a land bridge from Asia to North America.

10 000 years ago – Early People lived by hunting and gathering.

7000 years ago – The early people learned how to grow food and become members of settled communities.

Theory is a possible explanation.

Earliest people left no written record of now they lived. Clues they left behind – called artifacts – tell us. An artifact is an object that someone made in the past.

Early Americans left behind stone tools as an artifact.

Archaeologists study artifacts of people who lived long ago and draw conclusions from them.

Early American cultures

3000 years ago – American Indian groups began building mounds in eastern North America.

2500 years ago – Inuit reached Alaska from Asia.

2000 years ago – The Anasazi culture developed in the South west.

A ceremony is an activity done for a special purpose or event, such as a birth, wedding, or death.

A mesa is a high, flat landform that rises steeply from the land around it. Mesa means table in Spanish.

A drought is a long period without rain.

The Rise of Empires

3000 years ago – Mayan civilization began to develop.

About 900 years ago – Mayan civilization declined and the Maya began leaving their cities.

About 1200 Aztec civilization began in Mexico and the Incan civilization began in South America

A civilization is a culture with organized systems of government, religion, and learning.


The Maya were such successful farmers that they began to grow a surplus, or more food that they needed to feed their own families.

Some Maya began to specialize, or to do only one kind of job.

The Maya developed the method to build tall pyramids.

A pyramid id a building with three or more sides shaped like triangles that slant toward a point at the top.

In the Valley of Mexico, The Aztecs built Tenochtitlan, meaning “near the cactus”.

An empire is a group of lands and peoples ruled by one leader.

Tribute is the payment demanded by rulers from the people they rule.

Slavery is the practice of holding people against their will and taking away their freedom.

The Inca built thousands of miles of roads to link all parts of the empire to their capital at Cusco in present day Peru.

Grade 4A – 2nd quarter revision booklet

The Strengths of our freedom

The Constitution guarantees United States citizens certain rights.

                A person who is born in the United States is a US citizen.

                One can also become a citizen through a process established by the government.

A passport is a government document used in traveling to foreign countries.

Responsibilities as American

People are requiring by law to pay the taxes they owe.

Taxes are money that government collects to pay for its services, such as constructing and maintaining our roads, parks, and schools.

Another responsibility all adult citizens have is to serve on a jury when called upon.

A jury is a panel of ordinary citizens who make decisions in a court of law.

All adult citizens have responsibility to vote.

By voting people show how they want our government to be run. By voting people make sure that the government represents the will of the people.


  1. What are two ways that person can become a citizen of the United States.
  2. List three types of government services that are paid for by taxes.
  3. Why voting is a important responsibility?


What is honesty? – citizen heroes – the book on page 60-62

Land of Plenty

In the early 1500s Europeans also came to the Americas. Like the first Americas, they too were attracted to the continents by their rich resources.

By the 1700s Europeans settlers realized that the greatest resource available in North America was the land.

Throughout 1700s and 1800s people continued to come to North America to make a better life for themselves and their families.

In 1848 a man in California found gold in a stream running through the land of his employer.

By 1870 railroad workers laid train tracks from coast to coast of United States. The railroad was an example of technology.

Technology is the development and use of scientific knowledge to solve practical problems.

In 1870 the United States was a rural nation. People lived in small towns or on farms.

By 1920 the United States had become an urban nation with most of the people living in the cities.

Trade now and then

A need is something that a person must have to live’

A want is something that a person would like to have, but can live without.

To barter is to trade one kind of goods or service for another.

In the early 1800s, St Louis Missouri grew because people came there to trade for fur.

People who make goods or products to sell are called producers.

A person who buys good or services is a consumer.

An economy is the resources of a country, state, region or community and how the resources are managed.

A free enterprise system is one in which businesses have the right to produce any goods or provide any service that they want.

A profit is the money a business person has left over after all costs of the business are paid.

The quantity of an item that sellers are willing to offer at different prices is called supply.

The quantity of an item that consumers are willing to buy at different prices is the demand.

An opportunity cost is what you give up when you choose one thing over another.

Transportation and communication

Transportation is moving of goods, people, or animals from one place to another.

No region can produce everything that people in that region need and want. Each region depends on one other regions for goods, services, and resources. When regions depend on one another in this way they are economically interdependent.

Transportation helps the interdependent regions get almost anything they need and want.

Globalization of businesses means that goods are produced using resources, raw materials, and services from several countries.

Communication is the way that people send and receive information

Fast communication helps local, national and world trade..

Fast communication and transport are especially important for companies that sell goods that can spoil, such as fruit and milk.