American people, american land

The American people

A culture is the way of life of group of people. Culture can include religion, customs, and language.

Ideals are important beliefs people share. These ideals include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the freedom to live and work where we choose.

The ethnic group is a group of people who share the same customs and language.

Government by the people

In a democracy, people have the power to make decisions about government.

In a republic, the people elect representatives to make laws and run the government.

A constitution is a written plan of Government.

A citizen is a member of a country.

Free enterprise

Private property is something owned by individual people or groups. It could include a piece of land, a house or a car.

An economy is a system for producing and distributing goods and services.

In a economy based on free enterprise, people are free to start their own businesses and own their own property.

Profit is the money a business had left after it has paid all its costs.

Supply is the amount of a product that is available.

Demand is the amount of a product that people are willing to buy.

A consumer is a person who buys or uses goods and services.

An entrepreneur is person who starts a new business hoping to make a profit.

Land and regions

A region is a large area that other has common features that set it apart from other areas.

Geography is the study of Earth and how people use it.

Agriculture is the business of growing crops and raising animals.

Irrigation is a method of bringing water to dry land.

Climate is the weather in an area over a long period of time.

Precipitation is the moisture that falls to Earth in the form of rain, snow or sleet.

An interdependent region means they need each other.

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